Crossfading In Vlc Media Player

I'm using an older version of Windows Media Player on Windows XP (unfortunately I don't have the version information with me) and I was wondering if anyone has used the Crossfading Option in conjunction with the Burning Audio CD to Produce an Audio CD which has Crossfading between tracks? I found a Website which states Windows Media Player does this without stating any version, though the help guide with my version only states that the crossfading only works with MP3 or WMA files, it doesn't state anything about producing a Burned Audio CD with Crossfading between tracks, however in my case it would be great if it did, I just didn't want to waste a CD over finding out. Vijay tv serialsDownload film korea lies 1999.


Crossfading In Vlc Media Player

Hi, how about adding ''crossfade support''? It would be great to have that feature on song change and song start / stop, maybe with customizable timings:) This ticket was migrated from the old trac: re #95.

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