Featuring patented cost-efficient GPU acceleration technologies and employing a range of smart attacks targeting the human factor, Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor runs a highly efficient accelerated attack on the network for a pre-defined amount of time in order to test how secure your wireless environment is. Features and Benefits • Determine how secure your wireless network is by attacking WPA/WPA2-PSK passwords • Analyze your wireless environment • Intercept Wi-Fi packets with built-in wireless network sniffer • Support for most modern Wi-Fi adapters, as well as dedicated AirPCap adapters • Patented GPU acceleration technology uses one or more NVIDIA or AMD video cards to simulate real-world attacks • Targets the human factor with highly customizable attacks with configurable variations • Intercept limited Wi-Fi traffic, continue working offline How Secure Is Your Wireless Network? A single weak link poses a valid security threat to the entire corporate network. Wi-Fi networks can provide sufficient security if configured properly and accompanied by an adequate password policy. Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor identifies and exposes security problems in your wireless network to allow network administrators taking appropriate measures and adopting a proper password policy.