Luger Serial Number Suffix

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  1. Serial Number Check
German luger serial number suffix codes

Serial Number Check

Luger serial number suffix

Luger dwm General Gun Discussion. It is marked dwm on the toggle serial number is 293x with a cursive R beneath. They are referred to as Alphabet Lugers due to the 4 digit serial numbers and the letter suffix.

Suffixes are placed on a Luger AFTER it has reached the first 10,000 guns for that series and are primarily placed on military guns. There are commercial, contract serial numbers and even mixtures of military style and commercial style numbers that may have assorted markings and even suffixes. Numbering usually went from 1-9,999 then 1a to 9999a, then 1b to 9999b, etc., although there is conflicting discussions on whether the serial numbers went from 1 – 9999 or whether they were 1 – 10,000. I have seen pictures of guns marked both ways, 9,999 and 10,000.

(#115P) Mauser “S/42” Code, 1936 Production Luger Pistol with 1936 Dated Holster – Serial #7062v, 9mm P Ca., 3 7/8″ round bb., blue finish, walnut grips. Chamber dated 1936 with the “S/42” marked on the toggle. Eagle/63 and eagle firing proofs on the right barrel extension and barrel.

Properly marked safety position and extractor. Full serial number on barrel extension, frame (with “v” suffix), and barrel, with the partial serial number “62” on the take-down latch, side plate sear, safety bar, thumb safety, and extractor.

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