Wow Global Cooldown Hack 3.3.5

Wow cooldown tracker

Wow 3.3.5 Gold Hack

Files Images Issues (5) Source Pages Relations Dependencies. GHT - GCD Hack Tracker Addons. (global cooldown). The aim of this addon is to ban the GCD hack from WoW and keep it even for every player by saving the in game.

[Functions (Private)] These functions must be used on Private servers only (Never use it on live server!) Overall speed: Modify all speeds (walking, running, swimming, flying, etc) Speed: Running and swimming speed (default = 7) (100% = 14) in percents: Display your speed in% (for example, if you put the speed to 14, it will display 100%. That mean Speed 14 = 100% epic mount) Fly Mod: Allow you to fly (default = 7) (280% = 26.6) (310% = 28.7) Freeze Z: Allow you to walk at the same heigh without falling NoClip 1: Your character can go through EVERYTHING (even ground). It's higly advisable to use this function with Freeze Z or Fly mod. [Functions (Live serv.)] These functions can be use on Live or Private servers. Wallclimb: You can climb every mountains Walljump: Allow you to hang you on mountains (kind of wallclimb) Walk-on-water: Allow you to walk on water Walk-under-water: Allow you to walk under water Super-jump: Allow you to jump higher (Put the value you want in the Inputbox bellow) Faction: Allow you to change of faction.


You won't be able to attack the members of your faction, but you'll be able to see the level/PvP stats/talents/. Of members of the opposite faction. Disable M2 collisions: Allow you to go through 'objects' (trees, etc.) Disable WMO collisions: Allow you to go though buildings Noclip: Disable M2 + WMO collisions Tracking: Allow you to track units on your minimap (like hunters) and to display ressources. • XYZ: Manual: One keypress move your character of a step. Automatic: One keypress move your character continuously (To stop moving, press the 1 key of the Numpad) /! (Numpad) 7: Up 9: Down 8: North 5: South 6: East 4: West 1: Stop moving (If you're in Automatic mod) /! Please, disactivate XYZ when you want to type something.

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